#BLinAction Virtual Book Club - Join Us!
After just two months, we have over 2200 readers engaged in Blended Learning in Action! We are excited to announce the start of our...
How Teachers Will Help Start the Learning Revolution (EdSurge)
This article published by Edsurge and featured in their Blended Learning Manual underscores the importance of rethinking professional...
Technology In Classrooms Interview - Jason Green - NBC6
Today I had the pleasure of discussing effective use of technology in classrooms on NBC6 South Florida with Roxanne Vargas. Thanks to...
iPads alone won’t transform classroom learning
Miami-Dade County Public Schools is currently implementing one of the most ambitious education initiatives of our time: a phased,...
Three lessons in the realities and possibilities of Blended Learning and how I am doubling down
In September of 2013 I launched Advance Classrooms with a goal of helping schools and districts purposefully integrate technology into...
A Conversation with Parents: Opportunities of Blended Learning
Last week I was invited to speak with the parents of The Mandell School (New York City) about the benefits of well-implemented Blended...
Supporting and Promoting Self-Regulated Learning in Blended Learning Environments
The concept of Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) provides a theoretical construct for using technology to create Personalized Learning...
A New We: The Essential Intersection of Freire, Ed Tech and Parent Involvement
If you are coming to help me, you are wasting your time. But if you are coming because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us...
A Framework: Scaling High Quality in Education Is Doable
I'm interested in reaching the greatest number of students possible with the best service possible. Best Buy and McDonald's can do it,...
How Ready Are You for Blended Learning?
We know how hard it is for schools to stay up to speed with the latest and greatest in education technology. Even the experts fall behind....